3 best free places with scenic views in Barcelona

One of the best way ever to do in a big city is to enjoy it from above, and when it comes to stunning views, Barcelona is a must see city.

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There are a lot of things to do and see in Barcelona, whether you’re into museums, beaches or historical sites. Barcelona is full of many places that boast incredible views of the entire city, and taking one of the many opportunities to see the vast town in its entirety is a great way to spend your time. There are endless places to have a view from the top, from restaurants, parks, monuments, and even the rooftop pool hotel terraces. You can be amazed of the big choice you can have in this city.

So try going high in Barcelona, and today I will share with you the 3 best free places with scenic views in Barcelona.


  1. Tibidabo.

Tibidabo is well known for it´s amusement park for kids, and great activities that offers to families to enjoy a weekend and not only the weekend. It take a long way to get there, as in public transport you have to change different type of transports, with metro, bus and walk. But, honestly it is worth to be visited.

You can also find the beautiful Sagrat Cor church along with a popular amusement park. Meaning your trip to the top of the mountain is something the whole family can enjoy!

This place is the first ever place we discovered in Barcelona. I mean the place with breathtaking views and other things to do while visiting this beautiful city.

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  1. Parc Guell.

I love this park a lot, and our kids as well. This parc is a combination, of a natural park with lovely trees, and Gaudi architecture, and as well spectacular views over the city. You can get easily here on public transport, taxi and if you enjoy hiking, you can get walking there.

A great part of the park is open free of charge to the public, there is an entrance fee to the Monumental Zone. Gaze beyond that to see some of the most breathtaking views in Barcelona and also the Mediterranean. The perfect combination of nature and art!

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  1. Bunkers del Carmel.

This place became famous within instagrammers for few years now. It is the gem of the gem of the city. I would say, this place has perfect views over the perfect lines of Barcelona´s streets and buildings.

Bunkers del Carmel can be found at the Turó de la Rovira, you can see the city skyline, the coast, Tibidabo, and several outskirts of Barcelona. And this place firstly was seen in the teenage romance film called “Tengo Ganas de Ti” in 2012. As well, there you will see old bunkers that were used during the Spanish Civil War, in 1937, to prevent air attacks.

And yes, it is still a relatively unknown gem in Barcelona. By far, it’s the best place to enjoy Barcelona from above.

Barcelona Barcelona

I hope you will enjoy your stay in the city that we are in love so much.



With love,

Travel Family Blog




  1. Beatrix
    April 4, 2018 / 11:05 am

    Thank you Dears! You have a wonderful way of showing us what really matters!

    • Travel Family Blog
      April 4, 2018 / 1:28 pm

      thank you for your nice comments, really appreciated

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