CosmoCaixa with kids. How to spend a windy or rainy day in Barcelona with kids?

As you could see on my previous post, we were staycationing on Easter weekend. The weather predictions were wrong and it didn’t rain all the weekend as it was supposed to do. But, we have already made our plans to visit CosmoCaixa, National Science Museum. Even if didn’t rain, on Saturday it was so windy, that we decided that it is the perfect day to enjoy in a close space, where kids can learn and discover the World we live in.

cosmocaixa barcelona

CosmoCaixa is Barcelona’s Science museum, which features a range of interactive activities for children, a mini Amazon rain forest and planetarium. It offers regular workshops as well, and from our previous times we went, these are very interesting. The workshops are available for kids from 3 to 6 years and 7 to 9 years. This means that our kids have had to have at least 3 years for some workshops, and 7 for others. We leaved these activities for another time we will go there.

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If you are a client of La Caixa Bank, than the entrance to the museum is free, and for workshops you pay 50% of the price. Cool enough, aren’t you agree?

Entrance fee for those who are not clients: 4EUR, and each workshop has its own price.

Open hours: Tues-Sun 10am–8pm.

The Museum is situated close to Tibidabo train station, and then you have to walk for 10 minutes.

Once you enter the Museum, you will be received by statue of Einstein, Darwin and Marie Curie. All 3 figueres are made of wax, but look like real people. For those of you who follow our stories on instagram, already have seen these 3 figures.

Access to the museum, after you buy your tickets, is through a large spiral staircase that descends about three floors to what is properly the exhibition area. In the hollow of that staircase there is a large trunk as a tunnel of time and accompanied by a machine that lifts a pile of maple seeds: when it reaches a certain height, the loose and the seeds are falling spinning like propellers. There are always a lot of people watching (as they go down the stairs and down) because it has an almost hypnotic effect.

There are always fixed exhibitions around science, temporary exhibitions and a series of complementary activities: touch, flash and click, planetary bubble. From our last visit, many things were changed, so it was amazing to spend the time once again there.

After these exhibitions, there is Amazon forest, it is an exact reproduction of a piece of more than 1,000 m² of flooded forest in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. In one close space, there is the possibility to explore subterranean vision, the aerial view, the tropical rain, everything, integrated in the middle of the typical flora and fauna of the zone. Once you get in that room, you feel the high humidity of that place. And from outside the room, you can enjoy all the type of fishes that live there.

The best part of this museum, is that all the children can touch, experiment and feel the things that are exposed there. I think this is the most amazing experience one child can have about the nature in one single place.

Both our kids, were running there and forth, so we split, and each one was in charge of a kid, and run after them. They decided that mum and daddy, has to exercise a little bit. And yes, you should only see their excited face, about this museum.

If you are in Barcelona, you, should visit this museum.

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  1. Beatrix
    April 4, 2018 / 11:02 am

    Thank you guys, we really appreciate your commitment

    • Travel Family Blog
      April 4, 2018 / 1:28 pm

      your comment really matters to us, thank you for finding time to write it

    • Travel Family Blog
      April 13, 2018 / 6:12 am

      yeah, it is all about education and science, very interactive

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