Last Sunday, just after our return from the amazing island of Sardinia, we had an invitation to participate in one of the Zoo Private Activity called Family Sundays. There were a lot of things to do in the house, but we accepted the invitation, as in our family, KIDS are always first. We thought that our boys will enjoy a lot such an activity. And we were right, we spent amazingly time at Zoo. Actually, we always have a lot of fun at the ZOO.
The best part of Family Sunday activity is that you have a personal educator. Educator explains you in details about the life of the animals for a Sunday activity. In our case, we discovered aquatic mammals lifes. How they live, how and what they eat, how the personnel of the ZOO take care and so on. We discovered interesting facts about aquatic mammals, that for sure we wouldn’t know if we didn’t participate at such activity.
Interesting facts:
- The whale bones that you can see at the entrance of the Zoo, are real, and were found at the beach of Gava, not so far from Barcelona Beach.
- On spring a lot of whales come very close to the beaches of Barcelona, there are plenty of youtube videos where you can clearly see it.
- Whales, 35million years ago were terrain mammals, and due to nature conditions, their body changed to be aquatic mammals.
- Even if, there are a lot of similarities of outward appearance between Californian Sea Lion and Harbor Seal, there are some noticeable differences. Family group to which the true seals belong, have descended from a terrestrial weasel-like ancestor. Sea lion family group, descended from a terrestrial bear-like ancestor. Harbour Seals are “earless” because they lack an external ear flap, whereas in “eared” seals or sea lions an external ear flap is visible. Then, differences between the front flippers of the two groups, and the hind flipper differences are noticeable. In seals, the hind flippers extend directly behind the body, and are not capable of rotation unlike the hind flippers of sea lions that are longer and may be rotated toward the front of the body.
As a reward, at the end of a very interesting session, we had a very private Sea Lion Show. How cool is this? Yes, our kids had a lot of fun at Zoo Barcelona.
Zoo Club families: 30.25 €/family (including 2 adults and 2 children). Additional 11.20€ fee per child from the third one.
Non-members of the Zoo Club: 89.60€ per family (including 2 adults and 2 children). Additional 17.90€ per child fee from the third one.
How to get.
The zoo is situated in the heart of the Parc de la Ciutadella. You can get there very quick in public transport. (Metro: red line L1 – Arc de Triomf or yellow line L4 -Ciutadella|Vila Olimpica; Tram: L5- last stop Ciutadella|Vila Olimpica or 1 stop earlier Wellington if you choose to enter through Parc de Ciutadella; Bus: H16 – Icaria/Parc Carles I, 39, 51, H14, 120.