Family trip to France: Annecy, Cruiselles, Geneva. Travel with 2 kids to France

Today I will share with you about our last trip to France, and what we did in 5 days there. Here, I will write only the highlights of our trip to France, where we have been on each of the day, and how we enjoyed our time with kids.

Sorry for being missed more than 1 month. I would love to write special thanks to people who entered our blog, even after the incidence of our site. As well, I am really grateful for your kind and supportive messages. It helped us a lot, to find the power and reason to be back on track and to share with you our best family moments here with you.

Ok, let’s begin. Our trip to France were a little bit spontaneous. We have friends who live right on the border with Switzerland. And it was some time, we wanted to visit them, but always postponed our visit. At the beginning of the month, Damian, had few days of holidays at school, and we had enough time. It was 2 months that we didn´t travel anywhere, and it was a perfect time to make a visit to our friends.

Flights. Our flights, as usually we do, were bought with a special offer with Ryanair. Our 4 return tickets Barcelona-Geneva costed us a total of less than 200 EUR. A great deal for 4 people, right? About how we find such amazing deals, I am shareit on this blogpost. Special thanks to skyscanner for existing, and making this work easier.

Accommodation. In this special trip, we stayed at our friends´ house. Special thanks to Vlad and Olesea, for hosting us and helping us visiting the most amazing places of Eastern France.

1st day. Because, we choose really cheap flights, those can be or early in the morning or late in the evening. Our arrivals were at 8:50 at the airport of Geneva. We had a beautiful time watching sunrise somewhere up on the Alps, from our airplane window. I know, seems to be a marvelous experience. And for 10-15 minutes, it really was, just take a look on one of our pictures. But, believe me, waking up at 4am, with 2 little kids, it is not so easy. Anyway, these efforts were worth each moment spent there.


Once there, our friend Vlad, took us from the airport of Geneva, and we went right to their house in Cruiselles. Their village, is really close, around 30km from Geneva airport. It is great, that in only 1 morning, we stepped 3 European countries. Sounds cool, right?

At their house, we had a typical French breakfast with most delicious croissants and other yummy yummy French pastries. We took our time, and relaxed few hours. Then, we went on discovering the village.

The village itself is very big, and each house, has lots of land around. I suppose there were lots of farms, previously. While walking, we were admiring the nature and houses of the village. The views were like from a postcard. So, so, impressive. Just have a look at this.

Later in the evening, after short visit to the village, we went to Annecy. Annecy is a little town, that is close to our friends´ house. And I think it is almost 20km from the village. The town is small enough, but it is really famous for the Lake. People, spend their free time, mostly there. Those who love doing sport, those who have kids, or just people who love to walk and enjoy the nature. Any angle of the Lake has stunning views around.

After taking, thousands of pictures by the lake, we went right to the town center, and to its´ Christmas market. Ok, now, let me know, how to resist to French pastries, and to walk through Christmas market and not to buy anything? I think this is simply impossible.

On our way back, we had lots of traffic. We were going back on pick hour. People who live from their village and other villages around, usually work in Annecy or in Geneva. So, it is very typical to be stuck in a traffic jam, during pick hours from those 2 cities.


2nd day. We slept very well in the house of Vlad and Olesea. Here I want to explain in details a lifefact. We live in Barcelona, and right on one of very busy streets of this beautiful city. We are used to hear cars and motors, during the evenings or mornings, sometime by night. So, sleeping in a village and in a house, make us truly relax. Kids were sleeping very well, and we got time to take our time and forget about the routine.

On our second day, weather seemed not to be as sunny as one day before. We decided to cheat the weather, and to run from it. We went right to Geneva. Geneva as far as you know, is already another country, it is Switzerland. We spent there only 2-3 hours, as the weather didn´t like our plans, and it began to rain, so we had to go out. Anyway, we had enough time, to enjoy the park, boats, and of course the lake. The highlight of the day, was feeding swans. And kids, loved these beautiful creatures. We loved those too.

At our way back, our friend Olesea, took us right to the woods. They are used to go with their girls to a playground built in the woods. First, this place is amazing, because of the quantity of OZONE any kid can have there. Second, the place is closed, and cars are not getting there, while they play, as the car is parked not so close to the playground. Third, this place have stags. OMG, this point is the best. We have never ever seen stags. Kids enjoyed the moment of feeding those and having some cherish moments.


3rd day. On the third day, we had another sunny day. We are lucky enough, ehh. We took our time in the morning, to discover the highest point of the village, to take some beautiful insta shots and to be at home at the midday.

At the evening, we went to the closest farm. Where our hosts usually buy milk, and cheese right from the producer. The farmers, left us to take our time with cows and goats. Once again, our kids, were enjoying every minute at the farm. And we were crazy enough of taking lots of shots. So so funny!


4th day. This day, will remain in our hearts forever. Ok, the day began with a dentist revision :). Our host Vlad is dentist. We asked him, not to care about us and our teeth. But he insisted, so we had a full revision, each of us. It was easier to stay there, as he is our friend, and the feelings are quite different. For the lunch, we were looking for a place, but, in France, at 2pm, seem that everyone close restaurant at this hour. While, in Spain, it is the perfect time for lunch. At the end, we found the place for lunch, and it was lovely.

After lunch, we went to Pere Noel (aka Santa Claus) house. As told our hosts to us, the house is open only during December, and we were lucky to have it open while we stay at them. To Pere Noel house come lots of people from different countries around the World. And it is considered as beautiful as one in Lapland. We can´t say that it is like that one, as we haven´t been to Lapland. But, we can firmly say, that it is just splendid. Every corner of the house, show the magic spirit of Christmas holidays. Kids, were so so tired, but, they didn´t cry or been naughty. They were so impressed of the house, that they kept going and enjoying it.

Our 4th day was full of Christmas magic, and we can´t be happier for such feeling.


5th day. We planned a lot of things for our last day in France. But, sometimes you just have to follow your feelings and not plans. All together, 2 families, with 2 kids each, planned to go ski to mountains. We dressed properly, but it was so heavily raining. Our hosts assured us, that if it is raining in their village, where we planned to go, had to be snowy enough to enjoy some time in the snow. At our surprise, after 1 hour of riding, there was rainy as well. All the station was closed, and seemed like nobody is ready for a proper winter time. We had to go back.

We came back, dressed into swimsuits, and went to a close swimming pool, with different activities for children and special pools for big and small. Lovely time till the end of the day.

On the next day, early at 8am, we had our flight back to Barcelona.


Special thanks to our hosts Vlad and Olesea, as well for their guidance through the best places we could visit on our stay there.

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  1. Beatrice
    December 26, 2018 / 8:37 pm

    Great Experience! Wonderful places!

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