As many of you, I was always struggling with blog traffic, and always had to pay expensive ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram to grow my traffic. Few months ago I joined several Facebook groups where I was supposed to learn how to increase the traffic to my blog.
At the beginning it was working, as the group was really supportive. We were sharing our posts, commenting on each other posts. And, indeed, my traffic boosted every time I posted something on the blog. As you can see, the blog is about our travels and if we are not travelling, it is difficult to find something to write about.
I decided to be a local guide in my city. And to share tips, that for me, are something normal, but for tourists are something that I can really help with. This step helped me to boost the traffic even more. All the steps that I learnt from Facebook pages, helped to increase the statistics, but it increased my daily work as well.
Till, in one day, I rediscovered Pinterest, I took it to another step. I had the account for several years, and used it on persal things. I entered like once a week or even less. So, I decided, to take it to a business account, all my personal stuff, made it secret and to the wide public I began to share my posts.
At the beginning was tough, there were no views either. Sometimes I was really disappointed, till this month of February, when my account grown from 2k views to 130k views in a month. Is it fantastic, right? Check my pinterest account, if you don´t believe me. And these views helped me to increase my blog views, even without posting anything new.
If you are struggling to get blog traffic which most bloggers have a hard time achieving, I will show you a few simple tricks on how to increase traffic to your blog posts.
Do the pageviews really matter?
In my opinion, blog page views do matter only for the simple fact that the more people you can reach, the more money you can make, and you are also able to inspire and help more people.
Page views will increase your affiliate income, you will be able to get more email subscribers and connect with a lot more people. So yes, in a way, they do matter.
Note: Today I will teach you only how to improve your statistics on pinterest. We are still exchanging our service for free stays wherever we travel. But, I hope my next post will be on how you can monetize your blog.
How to increase traffic to your blog in only 1 month.
In January I decided that I wanted to simplify the process of how I got blog traffic and how I attracted more blog readers. That is why, I get into a new social for me which is Pinterest.
Doing countless tasks and frequently guessing if my posts would get traffic was not a long-term solution I wanted.
Before you get into Pinterest, I want you to watch this social as a search engine, where you can find whatever you want. And from your business prospective, you have to look how to show your content to as many people as you want.
As you are doing right now for Google, you have to do it for pinterest as well.
SEO and Keyword research
Keyword research is the crucial step you need in order to increase traffic to your blog posts. If you really want to know how to increase traffic to your blog posts, you need to focus on great keyword research.
And the keyword search should be something that is both popular on Google as well as on Pinterest.
If you can get this step nailed down, you will receive a great amount of blog traffic on both platforms.
I am still working on this. Some of my posts are working really great, others are still to be worked at.
You have to share clickable titles and images.
As you will see on my pinterest feed, I began to work on this, for a very few time. And believe me, this really matters. At the beginning of the January, I was just sharing hundreds of pictures every day, without thinking on designing a special one and only for pinterest.
This happened, after reading a comment in one of the groups, that if I want more blog traffic, I have to share every day a lot of pictures on pinterest. It is not true, prepare the one and only picture to be shared on pinterest.
After figuring out my content as well as establishing the keywords I would use, I then proceeded to work on my blog titles and images. You need to come up with amazing titles in order to entice your readers into clicking through. If you can come up with really great titles then you have won half the battle.
“5 things to do in Barcelona with your partner” – Ummm this is okay.
But “5 romantic things to do in Barcelona“ is much more exciting.
Increasing traffic to your blog post will heavily rely on how you craft your titles.
Next, you want to focus on creating drop-dead gorgeous blog images. As we travel with kids, many times we can not take those. But, believe me, but during the time, you become a professional
Prepare a strategy on Pinterest for blog traffic.
The next step is my Pinterest Strategy. Pinterest really works differently for everyone. Sometimes you copy what you read and sometimes it doesn’t. Some say pin 100 times a day, but from my experience less is more, and it is important not quantity but quality. In my case it quality worked better.
If you want to increase traffic to your blog fast you need a plan and a strategy that works for YOU. This means experimenting, tweaking and improving. When you experiment, try to do it for at least over a month. Your traffic may drop but that’s because you are tweaking your process.
I love to manually pin my blog posts every day. I share only 3 blog posts a day, but in different boarding groups.
This whole process is currently giving me amazing results and I tweak it if I see traffic start to drop.
I am still working on this step, as I think that joining boards with lots of content creators, help to boost your pinterest.
Adding relevant links within my blogposts.
I have always interlinked posts within my blogs but I think I did them wrong. It is important not to repeat those, as Google consider a post spammy when it has lots of same links.
But now, in my last posts I prepare posts that a reader might be interested in reading and sharing those as it is on an example
An example would be:
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Interlinking will increase traffic to your blog much faster as it keeps readers on your blog longer.
And at the end of each post I post Pin it if you liked the content. I found it really helpful to increase traffic.
Hope to share in 1 month even more news on my strategies, and share with you even more tips.